
Everything seems to be clear now

Rain. It's getting mainstream for everyone to love but i do still love the rain. And this evening rain on my hometown reminds me of a story. My story, that now gets its epilogue. :) I'm not crying myself to sleep everyday, again. I've been through all of these. We finally found our own way. He found his and i found what supposed to be mine. I want myself to know that, maybe he's also tired like the way i do. Maybe he's feeling the same heartbeats everytime our glance meets. Maybe he always wants me to be by his side, too. But also, maybe he just doesn't have enough bravery, or right time to say that to me, like the way i do. And he wants to end it all, the way he wanted to. That's cool if you don't want me to know any single thing. But we used to stalk each other, don't we? You'll never get rid of me and so do I. We've been different from the very first time we knew each other. And you finally find your strength to make us no longer different.

If there's one thing i wanna say, i would be saying thank you. For everything we've done together, for the warmth we used to share. 'We' were particular but 'we' are common now. I know you wouldn't have enough time just to say goodbye, so through this post, i would be saying it it first... 'Goodbye, have a happy life'.

I'm putting smile on my face now. I couldn't say how glad i am seeing you happy.

Hi, i've been from YK!

Now let's proudly say, this is the most elegant runaway i've ever made. I was just threw everything away now. Started with a silly plan at Sar's house last Thursday... "What about going to my house?". And it ended up giggled out by everyone. I've got loads of things undone. Adiwiyata passed away, then 'that' thing appeared. I motorbiked to Madiun on Saturday to deal with some stuffs on Smada Madiun and got up home right after everything have done. The next was..we got into a WeChat conversations. And the plan seemed to be realized, soon. We prepared simply every single thing and got a little arguing, too.

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Monday, it was a start of 4-heaven-day for the most of Highschool students. If-you-know-what-i-mean. Hehe. I went to bus terminal with Adi and Dilia.Straight to Madiun terminal, we met everyone....except the people we expected to join. Yes, Sar. That boy's just a motherfcker. He said yes and we gathered all round here, we called him, and he said 'Sorry, i can't come'. But okay, we labelled the upcoming days by 'HOLIDAY' so everything happened, it was just gonna be a little stumblings of our holiday. Okay, we moved!

At about 8.30 we were all inside the Sugeng Rahayu (not my dad's name). Arrived on Babarsari flyover about 3pm, then we rode transjogja 2 times to reach Jombor terminal, then we rode another bus again (I forgot its name). Wait, weren't we at Jogja yet? Yes. And where did we want to go? Jung's house....at Magelang. So it took about almost 1,5 hours to get there. We got into a T-junction. And Jung led us walking.“Are we there yet?” I asked him. “Almost! Just a little more. Come on..” Sigh. Finally, 4.30pm we were in front of his house. Went room upstairs that used to be his sister’s room. We were gonna be staying there for a night.
It was raining cats and dogs at night, so we thought better to stay at home. The rain stopped at about 9 o’clock. And yes, we finally went out at that time. First, we went to a mall..at 9pm. The outlets were about to close. Yes, once again, stupid people are those who went to a mall at 9pm. Epicly failed. Finally, Jung, that also our driver, needed something to fill his tummy. He always does that. So, he drove us to lapau padang. I kinda didn’t want to eat so I only ordered iced Sprite. And fortunately, Jung made it, I lost a half bottle of my precious Sprite. That night ended by the decision of going home on Wednesday, because Jung said we wouldn’t get enough fun if we  left too soon. We were finally persuaded, with a lot of considerations too. That night ended right away at 12 o’clock. Tomorrow we would be up to Jogja very early…

 Breaking dawn on Jung's house. The left one was Merapi.

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We got up late!! Every preparations started at 7 while we still had to go to Jogja. And after all, we started the journey about 10am. We were going to accompany Jung on his reunion with his old friends first. Our driver, Mr. Know-it-all made us lost inside the crowd and got himself late to the reunion. I was also wondered how could he drive optimistly when he really didn’t know where the road took him to. And at 12, we got arrived to Rumah Pohon. This place is just awesome! It got no any brick on its construction, but only bamboos. It should be more than just physics to built this building. It has about 4 stages, and it’s very strong not to shake any. On its top lays Gardu Pandang just to view Jogja from altitude. The sky was a little bit cloudy so I thought we better go downstairs before it rained.

I thought I found trees everywhere, maybe because of that they named it Rumah Pohon. LOL

At about 2pm we went straight to the beach! And after a very long journey we finally got to the beach at about 4.30pm. We decided not to go to parangtritis since it was too mainstream for the freakies like us. We went to Sundak beach, that is still near from Baron karst beach. We took some pics of ourselves and my Candy got overload of Mr. Driver’s pics of just himself -___- The beach just a sort of looked beautiful. I’ve been so long in thirst of meeting the beach so I was really, really excited meeting the beach!

  From left to right: Rengga, Dilia, Zhi, Adi, Me, Jung. Without Abed :'

This pic called: The Buttwar. Err....

Jung again. He got a good pose ><

 Sundak Beach

Then we went to the center of Jogja’s crowd after that.  Jung looked very tired but he tried not to show it to us. So we played some jokes to make him in the mood as well. Then, he took us to a special dinner, he said. And we caught up eating on Mondo’s Pizza. He paid it off as his promise. We, no, he ordered Spaghetti, Quatro Formaggi and Arcobaleno.

 Mondo Pizza

Quatro Formaggi


 Mocha Frappe

 Sssh.. I stole Zhi's Choco float. LOL

And right after we were full, we went Magelang right away.We were soooo done of travellings today. Jung had to stuck himself on putting Salonpas on his entire body. You’ve done a great job after all, Mr.Driver. We’re so proud of yew! 

T O D A Y ' S   B E S T   D R I V E R   I S   A W A R D E D   T O   T H I S   P E O P L E

We appreciate you of your succeed in driving too far with no driving license, and your effort stole and scratched your papa's car.

And today called: Journey.

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We’ve been up since early morning and took a bath at 6. We gotta go Jogja, and we gotta leave Jogja at the same time. Jung drove us in a real rush at 8.30am from Magelang because the train wouldn’t stop waiting for us. So we said thankyou and goodbye to Jung’s family, Mas Ade and his mommy. We’ve been so irritating in his house. Hehe. We haven’t seen Malioboro yet, but this holiday rocks. Our first outing, the most far, together. We hugged and held hands to Jung like we would never meet again. I could see the sadness colouring his point-nosed face. Jung would go to Madiun at Saturday so he was not going with us leaving Jogja today. Anyway, this Jawa Tengah trip really made my holiday! I learnt a lot from these 3 days. Too much that I can not ever forget. Thank you guys {}