
How to break up using a psychological joke

Double aspectism (juga dikenal sebagai Psychophysical Parallelism) merupakan suatu aliran yang meyakini eksistensi jiwa dan raga namun menolak adanya saling keterkaitan atau connectionism antara keduanya. Aliran ini mengklaim bahwa jiwa dan raga bergerak secara paralel dan tidak saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Segala fenomena badaniah yang terjadi merupakan kejadian yang independen sehingga tidak dapat dihubungkan dengan fenomena rohaniah, dan begitu pula sebaliknya.

Sama gak sih kayak kita? Aku di sini dan kau di sana, hanya berjumpa via doa. Meski kau kini jauh di sana dan kita memandang langit yang sama ya keles mau lu di Jakarta kek, Rusia kek, Kutub Utara sekalipun, selama lu masih di bumi langitnya pasti sama kali  :( . Kamu sibuk dengan duniamu, aku juga asyik dengan duniaku. Kita ini udah beda, dan kita udah jalan paralel persis kayak double aspectism. Kamu harus sadar kalo kita nggak bakalan ketemu di jalan yang sama. Jadi, ya udah ya? Kita jalan sendiri-sendiri aja. Daripada sakit maksainnya.

HEHEHE marry me no.


How would you describe love? And how would you react to it?

When it comes to love, which of course is such an everlasting topic to discuss, if I can be truly honest to myself the more I grow, the more I experience life, after falling in love, falling out of love, asking about love itself, searching for love, not believing in love, then believing in love once again. After all that, the more sure I am that what i’m feeling right now is not love.

I’m desiring yes, I’m attached yes, I’m afraid yes but is that love? Is love attachment? is love fear? or is love something more that transcends this. Do you love someone because they love you back? Can you love without being given love? Is there jealousy in love? Isn’t jealousy a sign of ownership? Is love then all just about owning? Like owning an object?

Is that real love? Is love just then about your own personal security?
And if love is just a mere emotion, won’t it disappear like any other emotions? As all emotions are impermanent and transitory?

I really don’t know anonymous but if you ask me why am I still in a relationship now, it’s because both of us acknowledge this problem of love and we’re both looking for the answer together. Life is harsh. Happiness is just right around the corner, but so is sadness. And life with all its tribulations and elations is much easier to handle when you have someone going in the same direction.

So for now i’m not asking anymore than that. Let’s see how far I go with this chicken soup for the soul hogwash.

Ben Laksana, 2013