


Don't cry, don't be shy .. *cherrybelle*

A lotta wonderful thing happened these days. I absolutely learned a lot, really a lot from those that actually i never wanted them to come in my life. Yes, a miracle had come among us. We all know this is almost February already, nat exam just will count in weeks that yesterday we call "Lah, sek suwi."

No, i'm not scared of UNAS thing. I don't have to be scared but afraid how my future would be. Am i be forever nothing or be amazement something? God knows. These days i scarcely close my eyes because of some stuffs undone. Overmore i didn't have time to continue my wishlist, to-do, and .. diary.

Sshh. . Haah . .  seems like, seems like i'm really busy, ha? Or i was making myself busy with dealing for matters i didn't even understand? My answer now is "Just done it, wait, and see". There are mans in hope. There are amazing persons always pray for me, err, US. This is show time.


Push push baby!

It have been a long time since you're not here guys.. I-MISS-YOU-LIKE-CRAZY. Ya, that's all, we were there on Nabela's house aaandd... She told us the site and our mind just worked naturally.;)

sumpil ini pose semua ide mereka. -_-
bad resolution, best moment <3



Hello, this is 7:06am already. And godbless, my headphone have repaired. Hehe, Thank .. you. Yimmiyummiyamyamiyeeww.



2012012012 howhaveyoubeen

Olleleihuuu :O
Know it or not? This dorklady just realized this is 2012 already and this blog is 1 year old on December. Hehe, am I mature enough to had a blog? No, i was just feeling great of make this blog alive. Hey, 2011 has passed ha? Yeah it does!
Hm yea, i haven't done my wishes on 2012 yet. Maybe that's why i feel so pitiful with some platitudinous words on my latest posts. Hehe. Ok, fireworks up! Happy nu yèr sir!!


Attention! This post is .. USELESS!

Hey! Have u enjoyed ur holiday? Haha, me either. Actually, i'm about to show up my list of vacations on this holi-dayy! Okay, from Jogja, i went Bromo, then Malang, Then Surabaya, then ... my bed. Actually i broke up my headphone on my way to Bromo at 2nd of January, such an epic i cried a day. Really a disaster. But u know? I won't post some hunting results becaauuse.. i wanna post this. Yeah, i wondered on a holy friday nite. No boyfriend, no friend, no enemy tonite. Just me and my pc have eyes-to-eyes contact since sunset setted. Hah, what a riot!

And this ..

(Dear derpina, u gonna kill my eyes or what? | No, i don't. Just right click and Open Link in New Tab!)

Yeah, i opened back my memos, actually to note some new Korean vocabs, but i got a buzz on reading a note that just as simple as "Maersk. Meratus. Tex.". Mm, i wrote 'em when fortunately i met a venue full of boxes of container trucks. Just the boxes. Big big boxes. Tidied up from down to upper. And i remembered my favorite container trucks with 'Maersk' big mark on its boxes. I'm kinda crazed out about that.
THE FINAL, i browsed them... And downloaded everything i've ever seen!

But the one that is really happening on my head now is just about ...


Ohohoo, thank you people! Thank-youu!
You guys soo much care to mee aandd also you looked cool with annoyed face. One more, useless is just useless ^^v