

Maybe this one is also the numerous time I said that I swear I would look my blog again. But, hell-yeah, the world conspire me not to. Well terakhir aku post itu udah lama banget sampe aku lupa. Dan sekarang rasanya, hah, too much to say, really.
Aku baru saja melihat google doodle: 200 tahun fairy tale-nya Grimm. Jadi kepikiran soal hidupku. Sometimes I wonder: have I been living in a real world? What if, in fact, these all just dreams? what will I do to the bad things? And how much will I regret on the sweet things? I never know. The only thing remains is just me, in this 4x10m beam room. With all its crowd—yelling people, laughing faces, and also this strange atmosphere. I’m really here. In this position. And then I feel like I need the flashback so much. More than ever.
I’ve gotten fatter, yet my monthly wishes all failed. I’ve made up with time, trying to be its best girlfriend ever. I’ve got smarter. Finally I could type faster than my own heartbeat. Activate my class’ twitter acoount, and be its ‘kece’-est admin. Got bad score in almost all science lessons, besides I got a really unexpected number on social. Gosh am I that bad? Or am I aim my arrows too high? I just have to stay this naïve mind. Stay to be constant on the pitch. Stay this nerd. Stay this spirit.

And love…. God never plan an easy way for me :’)

So this is a tale about my life. Rather a dino-tale than fairytale. Yup, huge, creepy, ancient, dangerous, and….untamed.

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