

ritual wajib sebelum mengerjakan buletan-buletan 50 biji itu. Kamar mandi-sisi. Seminggu kok durung mari-mari ki yo opo rek. Kesel ngasi ngglodoki irungku. Ada satu hal amazing terjadi tadi pagi, yaitu, semuanya dikasih pensil 2B FaberCastell (sebut merk ga popo aku kan wong jujur ^^v) beserta penghapusnya. Suatu lonjakan yang Pak Mar berikan untuk kami sekeluarga, sek gress kabeh makdhe! Trus dengan itu kami mengerjakan soal dengan tanpa banyak cingcong. Semula kami termanipulasi dengan keadaan macam itu, namun akhirnya kebiadaban terendus juga. Tenan, Lha kok ternyata endinge gak enak,

Bu Afita : "Afitaa?? Iyaa.." *bukan*
             :  "Cah, ini nanti pensilnya dikembalikan ya.. Pensil kalian ya ini sampe UAN nanti." (dengan nada polos beliau bersabda).

Wes, luntur kebahagiaanku oleh pensil anyar geratis. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raaji'uun. Perkoro pensil 2000nan ae kon mbalekne. Haha, wes wes kukut.

Eh iya, ini lagi UAS. Minggu lalu Ujian Praktek and we really did great! Dari Senen sampe Kamis. (Sebtu aku mati gaya gak doyan olahraga). Minggu depan TO Dinas, minggu depane meneh TO sekolah, minggu depane meneh paling yo panggah TO sekolah. Trus UAN. Yok gek ndang gek wis yokk. Jadwal besok PKN sama ICT. No need a really hard work i think. I like ICT. Hehehe

"Hm, jus jambune enak!" kataku.
"Eh, wes yahene durung sholat!" kataku kemudian, "SIK!" *antem boto*.



just don't give up at 3

how long can we keep this song?

Dear desert, hear my sobs so you can just drenched in my pain again. Dear forest, put me up in nothingness and you can just feel the heat of anger. And dear everyone, you won't hear anything right now, since i was full of emptiness. A voice of disaster. A voice inside none of air. You won't hear me, you'll never.



On a holy night, those were what i'm doing..

and this is the result !

Oh, too blurry? Sorry, i was purposing not to publish it! HAHA :D


It's gonna be a long post full of pixies, but, well, keep reading guys!
Somewhere in the world, there is a place where i belong to. A place contains me day and night. One who hears my laugh, cry, and prayers. A dumb witness of my brashes.

This is who we are :)

that's me and my old pals,

And on 10th March 2012, 10:36am we done this abstractual creature.. That's me and your hands, boi!

another helpers ..

And this tiny giraffe is Gee, and behind him--The bear--lies big Ted, ma boyfriend since i was 2nd grade of Elementary School.

 above is Shawn, a gift from Shofi :)

and again, this is my most favorite exposure ..

this is my cupboard, see? too much good stuffs are bad stuffs ._.

ma complicated schedule, it has changed for at least 3 times up to this semester ..

The blue one is Blui, one of Crane Squadron made by my childhood friends, Alya :)

i keep a little dealing with you, that Joker card i found behind my house, near the ditch. My mum used to tell me that i can't keep this, and i really wanted it so i kept the J-card behind ma lesson schedule. hehe :)

and also, these guys' name in Korean.. (nobody at home can read Hangul, so i preferred to write them on Korean. hehe ^^v)

When i was 6 yo. Really love this picture. Naasa looks still powerless, eh? And i was just a fat little girl :)

my niece's and my stuffs hanging on..

Upon the sweet wardrobe! VOILAA!

And this is the hierarchy of some sleepy stuffs belong to me. (sorry, there was my mum. hehe)

Attention, the next is quite embarassing..

To be honest i put this since a year ago. That's a 'meteran kain' i used to measure my height. But it doesn't really work. You know why? I haven't get some cm-s. Hehe

i opened back my diary and found this little guy,

and also this little hero!

Naasa Ahmad Fikri, you're absolutely precocious! ^^v


by the way

This is raining. Shouldn't be raining too much cause He knows we're gonna hate it soon. Yep let me show ya. Februari yang seharusnya penuh roman menjadi satu poin yang akan saya underline pake snowman permanent marker warna merah. Karena bukan roman yang macam itu yang saya dapatkan, tapi? Physical Romance. Where everything should be measured and counted. Dan lagi bulan itu menimbulkan satu kisah epik dimana saya gagal, sekali lagi gagal  .. kurus. I needed much more energies than ever and i just couldn't stop filling myself with some tasty stuff. And the worst part of it was, hampir semuanya junkfood. What the foo.

Dan ya sudahlah, toh itu nggak bikin gue mati ya kan. :)
Nggak nyangka kurang dari sebulan lagi. Emang gak perlu diitung tapi gue sengaja ngitung biar lebih dapet feel nya. Entahlah, kita tinggalkan saja bab itu.

Beberapa hari juga gak sempet nulis diary, bahkan sekedar untuk nulis sepatah kata pun. Sesibuk itu ya aku.. I just realized that i care too much to another, and less care to my own. Seharusnya ini gak terjadi dan apa daya. Yang saya lakukan belakangan ini hanya bangun-sholat-makan-mandi-sekolah-pulang-belajar-tidur-bangun dan seterusnya. Terlalu jauh dari yang ku harapkan dan memang gak ada yang bilang kalo aku ini orang yang 'bener'. Setidaknya dalam melakukan rutinitas yang biasa orang-orang pinter lakukan setiap-hari-tanpa-harus-disuruh. Nope, aku juga nggak pengen kayak gitu. I learn but not that kinda way. Jadi kesimpulannya aku 'gak terbiasa' jadi kerasa sedikit ada gaya gesek berlebihan. Dan doaku hanyalah, "Ya Allah beritahu aku apa yang aku sedang aku lakukan sekarang."

Harusnya ini jadi bulan-bulan krusial dimana masa depan dan masa kini dipertaruhkan validitasnya. Baikkah untuk sekedar dibuang jauh-jauh? Atau mungkin burukkah jika seandainya dipertahankan? Jawab saja sendiri. By the way, memisahkan sesuatu yang penting namun tidak disukai dan sesuatu lainnya yang tidak penting namun menjadi bagian dari hidup kita benar-benar akan menjadi 'sesuatu'. Hanya jika kita berhasil merubah yang jelek jadi bagus. Dan kekal dengan perubahan itu.

And by the way, these days i felt too lonely. Or in another words, kesepian ditengah keramaian.
Aku hampir frustasi. Hampir.